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Unconscious desires, Uranus square Venus, activity period end of June 2016 until beginning of March

Valid during many months: Your love life and relationships in general could be unpredictable and difficult during this time. You may suddenly become involved in relationships that are quite different from what you would normally expect. If your relationships usually go along from day to day without much excitement, you may suddenly want one that is more exciting. You may be attracted to people who are quite different from yourself in age, class background or personality. At the same time the relationships you seek will be ones that are not binding, that allow you more freedom to come and go. This desire is not always conscious, so you may think you are looking for a stable and peaceful relationship, but instead you become involved in something unpredictable and unreliable. It is actually your own desire not to be committed that is making the relationship unstable.

A stable long-term relationship may go through a period of readjustment now. This is a good time for releasing all the hidden tensions that have built up between you and starting afresh. An unstable relationship may break up at this time, especially if you or your partner is attracted to someone new. Domestic boredom can be very destructive under this influence.

A new relationship that comes along at this time may not prove very lasting or reliable. As long as it introduces excitement into your life, it is fine, but as soon as it becomes routine one of you will probably want out. Very often a relationship that begins under this influence represents a rebellion against your peer group standards. Pressure from your friends may be so great that maintaining the relationship is not worth putting up with the disapproval of others.

A milder manifestation of this influence is that you may begin collecting unusual and beautiful objects for your home. Or you may seek out new and different kinds of amusement. But be careful not to saddle yourself with anything that cannot stand on its own merits later on. Your tastes are not following their usual pattern at this time, and what you like now you may dislike later.

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