"The art of persuasion" (Mercury sextile Moon) activity period end of March 2017 until 11
Valid during several weeks: This influence puts you much more in touch with your own feelings and with the feelings of the people you...
"Group relations" (Mercury in 11th house) activity period mid-March 2017 until beginning o
Valid during several months: During this time you tend to think about your goals and expectations in life. You will examine your ideals...
"Self-defense" (Mars in 12th house) activity period beginning of April 2017 until beginnin
Valid during several weeks: Past behavior patterns that have become completely unconscious now become active and come into play without...
"Calling a halt" (Mercury square Venus) activity period end of March 2017 until 10 May 201
Valid during several weeks: This influence does not make you mentally aggressive, but you will probably feel quite good. The only area of...
"The highest commandment" (Chiron opposition Saturn) activity period mid-April 2017 until
Valid during many months: During this difficult time others may find you unusually uncommunicative and cold. You will feel like...
Unconscious desires, Uranus square Venus, activity period end of June 2016 until beginning of March
Valid during many months: Your love life and relationships in general could be unpredictable and difficult during this time. You may...
Soul-searching, Saturn square Saturn,activity period end of February 2017 until beginning of Decembe
This is a critical period in which several aspects of your life and experience will be tested, especially those that began to be...
A fresh breeze, Uranus sextile Moon- beginning of July 2016 until beginning of March 2018
Valid during many months: This influence stimulates your emotional life. You will experience your own feelings and allow yourself to look...
Jupiter conjunction Mars: An exuberant time From 20 October 2017 until 29 October 2017
This is a very exuberant time, with high energies. You feel physically strong and fit, and you are more willing to be active and take...
Jupiter trine Ascendant: People at their best From 9 October 2017 until 18 October 2017
This influence signifies your willingness to grow in consciousness and experience through your contacts with others and to be more...